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Victor Hugo

terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011

Illustrious pub mate

Ever spotted a celebrity or some other illustrious figure at a restaurant/pub/bistro and entertained the thought of having a few hours just to hang out with him/her? Who would it be? Who would you like to have for pub mate, if it could be anyone? 

What if it could be anyone from the past, magically brought to our time to spend a few hours seeing your world? What would you show him/her? What would you want to talk about?

I recently read a couple of blog posts (here, and here), that reminded me of a simple but persistent daydream I had as a college student studying Italian. I imagined what it would be like to be the personal guide to Dante Alighieri or Leonardo da Vinci for the day. Would we be able to communicate? What with my non-native modern Italian and their “vulgar” Florentine (nascent “Italian”)? With it, how would I explain or show da Vinci all the modern machinery? What sculpture and art would I try to show? What works of literature would I want to show to Dante? 

And then I laugh at myself and think I’m “suffering from a mild form of hysteria” and being as silly as the writers and producers of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Ha!

Who would you have for pub mate of anyone from the past or present? (or future?)

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