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Palco 10
Victor Hugo

quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011


Está chegando o DIA INTERNACIONAL DA CERVEJA: 5 de agosto!

Trata-se de uma comemoração mundial em bares, pubs, cervejarias, empórios e qualquer lugar onde as pessoas queiram comemorar a cerveja.

Levante seu copo e comemore com a gente! Abençoada seja a sexta-feira!

3 comentários:

  1. o/ Stella Artois, I love you!

    Qual a melhor cerveja do mundo?

  2. *do mundo? Dificil saber...

    According to the latest rankings from North America, in a page called "Top Beers - Popular: Davids vs. Goliaths: The current beer buzzes duke it out on BeerAdvocate" [], the best in the world are these:

    1 Trappist Westvleteren 12
    Quadrupel (Quad) / 10.20% ABV
    Brouwerij Westvleteren (Sint-Sixtusabdij van Westvleteren) A+ / 4.65 1158
    2 Pliny The Younger
    American Double / Imperial IPA / 11.00% ABV
    Russian River Brewing Company A+ / 4.65 608
    3 Pliny The Elder
    American Double / Imperial IPA / 8.00% ABV
    Russian River Brewing Company A+ / 4.59 2276
    4 Canadian Breakfast Stout
    American Double / Imperial Stout / 9.40% ABV
    Founders Brewing Company A+ / 4.59 343
    5 Rare Bourbon County Stout
    American Double / Imperial Stout / 13.00% ABV
    Goose Island Beer Co. A+ / 4.59 187
    6 Vanilla Bean Aged Dark Lord
    Russian Imperial Stout / 13.00% ABV
    Three Floyds Brewing Co. / Brewery & Pub A+ / 4.59 144
    7 Cantillon Blåbær Lambik
    Lambic - Fruit / 5.00% ABV
    Brasserie Cantillon A+ / 4.55 140
    8 Founders KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout)
    American Double / Imperial Stout / 11.20% ABV
    Founders Brewing Company A+ / 4.54 1831
    9 Portsmouth Kate The Great
    Russian Imperial Stout / 12.00% ABV
    Portsmouth Brewery A+ / 4.54 397
    10 Heady Topper
    American Double / Imperial IPA / 8.00% ABV
    The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

    But none of these are lagers or pilseners, the most common style.

  3. Related:

    The beer packaging debate: Bottle vs. can.

    Conventional wisdom holds beer in a bottle is superior to a canned beer.

    Is that so?
